
Note: Most of our publications can be found at for free

    1. Search for a resonance in the 14N(p,γ) 15O reaction at Ep = 127 keV, R.C. Runkle, A.E. Champagne, C. Fox, C. Iliadis, J. Pollanen, A. Stephan, and C. Westerfeldt, Phys. Rev. C, 66, 022801 (2002).

    2. Explosive hydrogen burning of 17O in classical novae, C. Fox, C. Iliadis, A.E. Champagne, A. Coc, J. José, R. Longland, J. Newton, J. Pollanen, and R.C. Runkle, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 081102 (2004).

    3. Direct measurement of the 14N(p,γ) 15O S factor, R.C. Runkle, A.E. Champagne, C. Angulo, C. Fox, C. Iliadis, R. Longland, and J. Pollanen, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 82503 (2005).

    4. Thermonuclear reaction rate of 17O(p,γ) 18F, C. Fox, C. Iliadis, A.E. Champagne, R.P. Fitzgerald, R. Longland, J. Newton, J. Pollanen, and R.C. Runkle, Phys. Rev. C, 71, 055801 (2005).

    5. Compressed silica aerogels for the study of superfluid 3He in aerogel, J.Pollanen, H.Choi, J.P. Davis, S. Blinstein, T.M. Lippman, L.B. Lurio, N. Mulders, and W.P. Halperin, AIP Conf. Proc., 850, 237 (2006).

    6. Acoustic spectroscopy of superfluid 3He in aerogel, J.P. Davis, H. Choi, J. Pollanen, and W.P. Halperin, AIP Conf. Proc., 850, 239 (2006).

    7. Specific heat of disordered 3He, H. Choi, J.P. Davis, J. Pollanen, N. Mulders, and W.P. Halperin, AIP Conf. Proc., 850, 241 (2006).

    8. Surface specific heat of 3He and Andreev bound states, H. Choi, J.P. Davis, J. Pollanen, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 125301 (2006).

    9. Collective modes and f-wave pairing interactions in superfluid 3He, J.P. Davis, H. Choi, J. Pollanen, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 115301 (2006).

    10. Imaginary squashing mode spectroscopy of 3He-B, J.P. Davis H. Choi, J. Pollanen, and W.P. Halperin, J. Low Temp. Phys., 148, 501 (2007).

    11. Analysis of strong-coupling parameters for superfluid 3He, H.Choi, J.P.Davis, J.Pollanen, T.M. Haard, and W.P. Halperin, J. Low Temp. Phys., 148, 507 (2007).

    12. Anisotropic aerogels for studying superfluid 3He, J. Pollanen, S. Blinstein, H. Choi, J.P. Davis, T.M. Lippman, L.B. Lurio, and W.P. Halperin, J. Low Temp. Phys., 148, 579 (2007).

    13. Magnetoresistance of UPt3, T.M. Lippman, J.P. Davis, H. Choi, J. Pollanen, and W.P. Halperin, J. Low Temp. Phys., 148, 863 (2007).

    14. Strong coupling corrections to the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superfluid 3He, H. Choi, J.P. Davis, J. Pollanen, T.M. Haard, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. B, 75, 174503 (2007).

    15. Magneto-acoustic spectroscopy in superfluid 3He-B, J.P. Davis, H. Choi, J. Pollanen, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 015301 (2008).

    16. Magnetoresistance of UPt3, T.M. Lippman, H. Choi, J.P. Davis, J. Pollanen, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, New J. of Physics, 10, 043006 (2008).

    17. Stability of the axial phase of superfluid 3He in aerogel with globally anisotropic scattering, J.P. Davis, J. Pollanen, B. Reddy, K.R. Shirer, H. Choi, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. B, 77, 140502(R) (2008).

    18. Discovery of a new excited pair state in superfluid 3He, J.P. Davis, J. Pollanen, H. Choi, J.A. Sauls, and W.P. Halperin, Nature Physics, 4, 571 (2008).

    19. Anomalous attenuation of transverse sound in 3He, J.P. Davis, J. Pollanen, H. Choi, J.A. Sauls, W.P. Halperin, and A.B. Vorontsov, Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 085301 (2008).

    20. High frequency sound in superfluid 3He-B, J.P. Davis, H. Choi, J. Pollanen, and W.P. Halperin, J. Low Temp. Phys., 153, 1 (2008).

    21. Globally anisotropic high porosity silica aerogels, J. Pollanen, K. Shirer, S. Blinstein, J.P. Davis, H. Choi, T.M. Lippman, L.B. Lurio, and W.P. Halperin, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 354, 4668 (2008).

    22. Impurity effects of aerogel in superfluid 3He, W.P. Halperin, H. Choi, J.P. Davis, and J. Pollanen, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 77, 111002 (2008).

    23. Low temperature thermal resistance for a new design of silver sinter heat exchanger, J. Pollanen, H. Choi, J.P. Davis, B.T. Rolfs, and W.P. Halperin, J. Phys. Con. Ser., 150, 012037 (2009).

    24. Superfluid phase stability of 3He in axially anisotropic aerogel, J. Pollanen, J.P. Davis, B. Reddy, K.R. Shirer, H. Choi, and W.P. Halperin, J. Phys. Con. Ser., 150, 032084 (2009).

    25. Mass coupling and Q−1 of impurity-limited normal 3He in a torsion pendulum, R.G. Bennett, N. Zhelev, A.D. Fefferman, K.Y. Fang, J. Pollanen, P. Sharma, W.P. Halperin, and J.M. Parpia, J. Low Temp. Phys., 162, 174 (2011).

    26. Nanoparticle-loaded aerogels and layered aerogels cast from sol-gel mixtures, J. Kim, H. Nakanishi, J. Pollanen, S. Smoukov, W.P. Halperin, and B.A. Grzybowski, Small, 7, 2542 (2011).

    27. Identification of superfluid phases of 3He in uniformly isotropic 98.2% aerogel, J. Pollanen, J.I.A. Li, C.A. Collett, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett, 107, 195301 (2011).

    28. Modification of the 3He phase diagram by anisotropic disorder, R.G. Bennett, N. Zhelev, E.N. Smith, J. Pollanen, W.P. Halperin, and J.M. Parpia, Phys. Rev. Lett, 107, 235504 (2011).

    29. Pressure dependence of the longitudinal resonance frequency of 3He superfluid phases in aerogel, J.I.A. Li, J. Pollanen, C.A. Collett, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, J. Phys. Con. Ser., 400, 012039 (2012).

    30. Nonlinear field-dependence of the imaginary squashing mode of superfluid 3He at moderate magnetic fields, C.A Collett, J. Pollanen, J.I.A. Li, W.J. Gannon, J.P. Davis, and W.P Halperin, J. Phys. Con. Ser., 400, 012006 (2012).

    31. New chiral phases of superfluid 3He stabilized by anisotropic silica aerogel, J. Pollanen, J.I.A. Li, C.A. Collett, W.J. Gannon, W.P. Halperin, and J.A. Sauls, Nature Physics, 8, 317 (2012).

    32. Zeeman splitting and nonlinear field-dependence in superfluid 3He, C.A. Collett, J. Pollanen, J.I.A. Li, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, J. Low Temp. Phys., 171, 214 (2013).

    33. Anisotropy of silica aerogels induced by small strain, A.M. Zimmerman, M.G. Specht, D. Ginzburg, J. Pollanen, J.I.A. Li, C.A. Collett, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, J. Low Temp. Phys., 171, 745 (2013).

    34. Orientation of the angular momentum in superfluid 3He-A in a stretched aerogel, J.I.A. Li, A.M. Zimmerman, J. Pollanen, C.A. Collett, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, J. Low Temp. Phys., 175, 31 (2013).

    35. Nonlinear field dependence and f-wave interactions in superfluid 3He, C.A. Collett, J. Pollanen, J.I.A. Li, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 024502 (2013).

    36. The superfluid glass phase of 3He-A, J.I.A. Li, J. Pollanen, A.M. Zimmerman, C.A. Collett, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, Nature Physics, 9, 775 (2013).

    37. Dissipation signatures of the normal and superfluid phases in torsion pendulum experiments with 3He in aerogel, N. Zhelev, R.G. Bennett, E.N. Smith, J. Pollanen, W.P. Halperin, and J.M. Parpia, Phys. Rev. B., 89, 094513 (Editors’ Suggestion) (2014).

    38. Stability of superfluid 3He-B in compressed aerogel, J.I.A. Li, A.M. Zimmerman, J. Pollanen, C.A. Collett, W.J. Gannon, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 115303 (2014).

    39. Anisotropic phases of superfluid 3He in compressed aerogel, J.I.A. Li, A.M. Zimmerman, J. Pollanen, C.A. Collett, and W.P. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 105302 (2015).

    40. Heterostructure symmetry and the orientation of the quantum Hall nematic phases, J. Pollanen, K.B. Cooper, S. Brandsen, J.P. Eisenstein, L.N. Pfeiffer, and K.W. West, Phys. Rev. B, 92, 115410 (2015).

    41. Crystallization of 4He in aerogel via mass flow through surrounding solid 4He, H. Matsuda, A. Ochi, R. Isozaki, S. Minami, R. Nomura, J. Pollanen, W.P. Halperin, and Y. Okuda, Phys. Rev. B, 94, 024509 (2015).

    42. Charge metastability and hysteresis in the quantum Hall regime, J. Pollanen, J.P. Eisenstein, L.N. Pfeiffer, and K.W. West, Phys. Rev. B, 94, 245440 (2016).

    43. Unconventional field effect transistor composed of electrons floating on liquid helium, K. Nasyedkin, H. Byeon, L. Zhang, N.R. Beysengulov, J. Milem, S. Hemmerle, R. Loloee and J. Pollanen, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, 465501 (2018).

    44. Flip-chip Gate-tunable acoustoelectric effect in graphene, J.R. Lane, L. Zhang, M.A. Khasawneh, B.N. Zhou, E.A. Henriksen, and J. Pollanen, Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 194302 (2018).

    45. Anomalous attenuation of piezoacoustic surface waves by liquid helium thin films, H. Byeon, K. Nasyedkin, J.R. Lane, L. Zhang, N.R. Beysengulov, R. Loloee and J. Pollanen, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 195, 336 (2019).

    46. Fabrication of Graphene-inserted tunneling device (GiTD) for emerging spin devices, H.R. Cherian, N.O. Birge, J. Pollanen, and E.C. Ahn, ECS Transactions, 98, 3 (2020).

    47. Integrating superfluids with superconducting qubit systems, J.R. Lane, D. Tan, N.R. Beysengulov, K. Nasyedkin, E. Brook, L. Zhang, T. Stefanski, H. Byeon, K.W. Murch, and J. Pollanen, Phys. Rev. A, 101, 012336 (2020).

    48. Extraordinary phase coherence length in epitaxial halide perovskites, K. Nasyedkin, I. King, L. Zhang, P. Chen, L. Wang, R.J. Staples, R.R. Lunt, and J. Pollanen, iScience, 24, 102912 (2021).

    49. Coherent hopping transport and giant negative magnetoresistance in epitaxial CsSnBr3, L. Zhang, I. King, K. Nasyedkin, P. Chen, B. Skinner, R.R. Lunt, and J. Pollanen, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3, 2948 (2021).

    50. Superconductivity in PtPb4 with possible nontrivial band topology, C.Q. Xu, B. Li, L. Zhang, J. Pollanen, X.L. Yi, X.Z. Xing, Y. Liu, J.H. Wang, Zengwei Zhu, Z.X. Shi, Xiaofeng Xu and X. Ke, Phys. Rev B, 104, 125127 (2021).

    51. Noise performance and thermalization of a single electron transistor using quantum fluids, N.R. Beysengulov, J.R. Lane, J.M. Kitzman, K. Nasyedkin, D.G. Rees, and J. Pollanen, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 205, 143 (2021).

    52. Piezoacoustics for precision control of electrons floating on helium, H. Byeon, K. Nasyedkin, J.R. Lane, N.R. Beysengulov, L. Zhang, R. Loloee, and J. Pollanen, Nature Communications, 12, 4150 (2021).

    53. Helium surface fluctuations investigated with superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator, N.R. Beysengulov, C.A. Mikolas, J.M. Kitzman, J.R. Lane, D. Edmunds, D.G. Rees, E.A. Henriksen, S.A. Lyon, J. Pollanen, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 208, 482 (2022).

    54. Vantablack shielding of superconducting qubit systems, J.M. Kitzman, J.R. Lane, T. Stefanski, N.R. Beysengulov, D. Tan, K.W. Murch, J. Pollanen, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 208, 467 (2022).

    55. Accelerating Progress Towards Practical Quantum Advantage: The Quantum Technology Demonstration Project Roadmap, Paul Alsing, Phil Battle, Joshua C. Bienfang, Tammie Borders, Tina Brower-Thomas, Lincoln Carr, Fred Chong, Siamak Dadras, Brian DeMarco, Ivan Deutsch, Eden Figueroa, Danna Freedman, Henry Everitt, Daniel Gauthier, Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, Jungsang Kim, Mackillo Kira, Prem Kumar, Paul Kwiat, John Lekki, Anjul Loiacono, Marko Loncar, John R. Lowell, Mikhail Lukin, Celia Merzbacher, Aaron Miller, Christopher Monroe, Johannes Pollanen, David Pappas, Michael Raymer, Ronald Reano, Brandon Rodenburg, Martin Savage, Thomas Searles and Jun Ye, arXiv:2210.14757 (2022).

    56. Dirac revivals drive a resonance response in twisted bilayer graphene, E. Morissette, J.-X. Lin, D. Sun, L. Zhang, S. Liu, D. Rhodes, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Hone, J. Pollanen, M.S. Scheurer, M. Lilly, A.M. Mounce and J.I.A. Li, Nature Physics, 19, 1156 (2023).

    57. Quantum acoustic Fano interference of surface phonons, J.M. Kitzman, J.R. Lane, C. Undershute, N.R. Beysengulov, C.A. Mikolas, K.W. Murch and J. Pollanen, Phys. Rev. A, 108, L010601 (2023).

    58. Phononic bath engineering of a superconducting qubit, J.M. Kitzman, J.R. Lane, C. Undershute, P.M. Harrington, N.R. Beysengulov, C.A. Mikolas, K.W. Murch and J. Pollanen, Nature Communications, 14, 3910 (2023).

    59. Free-space coupling and characterization of transverse bulk phonon modes in lithium niobate in a quantum acoustic device, J.M. Kitzman, J.R. Lane, C. Undershute, M. Drimmer, A.J. Schleusner, N.R. Beysengulov, C.A. Mikolas, and J. Pollanen, Applied Physics Letters, 123, 224001 (2023).

    60. A hermetic on-cryostat helium source for low temperature experiments, K.E. Castoria, H. Byeon, J. Theis, N.R. Beysengulov, E.O. Glen, G. Koolstra, M. Sammon, S.A. Lyon, J. Pollanen, and D.G. Rees, Review of Scientific Instruments, 95, 043902 (2024).

    61. Quantum computing and chemistry, J. Weidman, M. Sajjan, C.A. Mikolas, Z.J. Stewart, J. Pollanen, S. Kais, and A.K. Wilson, Cell Reports Physical Science, 5, 102105 (2024).

    62. Coulomb interaction-driven entanglement of electrons on helium, N.R. Beysengulov, J. Pollanen, Ø.S. Schøyen, S.D. Bilek, J.B. Flaten, O. Leinonen, H.E. Kristiansen, Z.J. Stewart, J.D. Weidman, A.K. Wilson, and M. Hjorth-Jensen, PRX-Quantum, 5, 030324 (2024).

    63. Plasmon mode engineering with electrons on helium, C.A. Mikolas, N.R. Beysengulov, A.J. Schleusner, D.G. Rees, C. Undershute and J. Pollanen, arXiv:2408.11228 (2024).

    64. Probing quantum states and phases with surface acoustic waves, Y. Liu, A. Suslov, C. Zhang, J. Pollanen, L. Tiemann, P. Zhao, and R. Wang, submitted (2024).

    65. Sensing and control of single trapped electrons above 1 Kelvin, K.E. Castoria, N.R. Beysengulov, G. Koolstra, H. Byeon, E.O. Glen, M. Sammon, S.A. Lyon, J. Pollanen, and D.G. Rees, arXiv:2412.03404 (2024).

    66. Decoherence of surface phonons in a quantum acoustic system, C. Undershute, J.M. Kitzman, C.A. Mikolas, and J. Pollanen, Phys. Rev. A, 111, 012615 (2025).

    67. High-impedance resonators for strong coupling to an electron on helium, G. Koolstra, E.O. Glen, N.R. Beysengulov, H. Byeon, K.E. Castoria, M. Sammon, B. Dizdar, C.S. Wang, D.I. Schuster, S.A. Lyon, J. Pollanen, and D.G. Rees, Phys. Rev. Applied, 23, 024001 (2025).

LHQS Theses